Davidsons Homes > Planning


Our Planning Process

Davidsons Homes prides itself in building quality homes and that extends to the planning of our sites as a whole. At Davidsons we recognise that a key part of the process is producing a high quality overall scheme and a layout which respects the local context.

At Davidsons Homes we strive to engage with both the local planning authority and community at the earliest stages, often even before establishing an interest in a site, to ensure only a well considered design forms the basis of the final submitted planning application. We continue to liaise with the local planning authority and the community throughout the application process so that we can be responsive to any issues arising.

Pre application stage

At the pre application stage our planners will visit the site and prepare an assessment of the constraints and opportunities each individual site presents, for example the proximity of neighbouring properties, landscape features. We instruct consultants at the very earliest stages to act on our behalf on a range of technical matters, for example, to carry out topographical, ecological and archaeological surveys, drainage and highways reports, to ensure that our layouts and subsequently our planning applications take into account the sensitivities of each individual site. The results of these surveys are fed into the design and planning process, alongside our community engagement process, to ensure the final design represents the best possible outcome in all respects.

Application process

An important part of the application process is establishing community benefits, which are delivered through legal agreements as part of the planning application process. Most of these are calculated by the relevant council, for example contributions to highway improvements, health, education, libraries, civic amenity sites, however we also liaise with Parish Councils to establish local need for specific facilities.
Davidsons recognises the importance of ensuring that the layout of our developments are carefully designed at the earliest planning stages, long before the development takes shape on the ground.

Local Engagement

At Davidsons Homes we believe local engagement prior to submission of a planning application is fundamental in achieving our objective of building homes that respect local context.

For all of our developments we research local context and engage with local stakeholders to ensure we understand what makes an area special and how we can add to this. This allows the local community to understand and comment on our proposals before decisions are taken on our planning applications.

We ensure local residents, business owners and community representatives have the opportunity to meet with the Davidsons team and to view and comment on our proposed development. Such engagement takes many forms including the holding of public exhibition of plans, presentations to Town and Parish Councils and individual meetings.

We engage locally on all our developments before we apply for planning permission and throughout the development process.

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