Davidsons Homes > Davidsons Land

Davidsons Land

Davidsons is always looking to purchase land

Davidsons is always looking to purchase land

Davidsons have many years of successfully maximising returns for landowners through our expert approach to land acquisition and promotion.

Built on our passion for quality craftsmanship, considered design and the warmth of tradition, our legacy is something we are proud of.  As a landowner, we know you understand and appreciate the true value of something enduring, and something crafted with care.

Our homes are crafted to foster community, comfort and connection. It’s our commitment to this that ensures every project we undertake is constructed with precision, and always reflecting our exacting standards. More than that, our considered design philosophy integrates innovation with timeless aesthetics, creating spaces that are both functional and beautiful.

Partner with us, and together we will create homes that stand the test of time: enriching the land you cherish, and leaving a lasting legacy for many years to come.

If you are the owner of land in excess of 4 acres with or without planning permission, or you believe your land has development potential please get in touch.

Contact us today to find out more, and start to feel part of something better.

East Midlands Office
Davidsons Homes
Wilson House
Leicester Road
Ibstock, LE67 6HP

South Midlands Office
Davidsons Homes
Rickyard Barn
Blisworth Hill Farm
Stoke Road, Blisworth
Northamptonshire, NN7 3DB

Anstey Leicester

Our site at Anstey was secured under an option agreement in 2010.

At that time, Charnwood Borough Council did not have a five year housing land supply so an application was submitted very quickly for 165 dwellings. Despite the compressed timescale for preparing the application, we worked very closely with the Parish Council. When negotiating the s106 agreement we were able to accommodate some of the Parish’s requirements, without making the a106 contributions excessive. This was very well received by both the Parish and Borough Councils. Charnwood Council’s Planning Committee commended Davidsons for the way we had listened to and worked with the Parish Council. We endeavour to work in this way with Parish Councils on all of our sites.

New Lubbesthorpe

Davidsons involvement in the site began in 2010, when working with the landowners, and a consortium of other developers and promoters, the site was promoted through the Local Plan process. It was allocated as a strategic site for major development by Blaby District Council.

In January 2014 planning consent was granted for 4,250 high quality new homes, employment land, open space, education facilities and a neighbourhood centre.

Planning permission was conditional on the provision of new infrastructure, including a new road bridge over the M1.


Once planning permission was granted, the landowner selected Davidsons to be involved in the building of the first phase of the site in order to establish a high quality entrance to the development, setting the tone and standard for the rest of the site.

Broadnook Garden Village

In 2015 Davidsons took on the promotion and eventual delivery of Broadnook Garden Village along with another local housebuilder. The development takes the form of a 1950 dwelling garden village with associated infrastructure and a 34 acre commercial site located north of Leicester. A careful planning strategy and regular meetings with all stakeholders was required to achieve the planning permission on the scheme. The design and connectivity played vital roles in the evolution of the masterplan in order to create a new garden village which will not only be a beautiful new settlement to live but will also integrate into the surrounding existing area.

Broadnook Garden Village aims to be a key example of how our design led planning provides landowners with a deliverable scheme which leaves a legacy that generations to come can be proud of.

Houlton, Rugby

Davidsons were selected by Urban & Civic to open up the Houlton development, setting the benchmark for future house builders in terms of design and sales values.

This relationship continued with Davidsons building a further 329 houses at Houlton to our industry-leading design quality. A quick visit to the site is all you need to appreciate what our hard work has achieved, which only seems to improve with time!

Overstone Green, Northamptonshire

A joint venture between Davidsons Home and Catesby that has been years in the making achieved unanimous planning consent for up to 1,600 dwellings, commercial land, school and associated infrastructure that will deliver on West Northamptonshire Council’s joint core strategy.

Delivery of the site will commence in 2025, ensuring the main infrastructure is in place to deliver a desirable destination to live from day one.

We have strong relationships across the land and planning community. These relationships are built on our integrity and commitment to deliver what we say we will. We’ve been perfecting it for 60 years.

Richard Henderson, Principal Planner

  1. “We engage with local communities and local authorities early on to understand the needs of an area before we draw up plans. The planning process can be complex and challenging so when planning permission is granted it’s very rewarding.”

Ian Pickering Design Director

“The philosophy at the heart of Davidsons is about place making, creating somewhere safe, somewhere comfortable. Where we can, we aim to create a village feel, perhaps with the traditional village green. And as in traditional villages, you’ll find a mixture of styles. Victorian, Edwardian, cottages, will all sit alongside each other and that’s great because it creates variety and interest.”

DR. Stefan Kruczkowski Urban Designer

“Many house builders don’t think about design as carefully as they perhaps should. When you walk onto a Davidsons Homes development, you notice the quality of the streets and spaces – the thought that’s been given to creating a really attractive place to live”

Alan and Margaret Main

“We would like to thank Davidsons for promoting our site and taking us through the planning process which enabled our site to be developed. We would also like to thank all of the Davidsons team for the way our recent transaction went ahead. All the processes were explained clearly and deadlines met within the specified time and with the minimum of fuss. It was a pleasure to have dealt with a courteous and reliable company.”

Meet the team

Rachel Pramayon,

Land Director

Richard Stevenson,

Land Director

Rachael Ward,

Senior Land Manager

Oliver Barnes,

Strategic Land Manager

Tom Croft,

Land Manager

Ed Rayns,

Land Buyer

Simon Kirk,

Land Buyer

James Kler,

Land Buyer

Greg Hutton,

Strategic Planner

Joshua Ramsdall,

Assistant Land Buyer


Please send all enquires to [email protected] or call 01509 261 444.
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