Apprentice site manager aims to build a successful career with Davidsons Homes
A housebuilding apprentice from Loughborough has her sights set on progressing up the career ladder, following her first taste of working in the construction industry at Davidsons Homes.
Poppy Glover started her apprenticeship last September, as part of a programme which sees around seven apprentices a year working within the developer’s South Midlands and East Midlands head office teams.
The 20-year-old apprentice site manager is currently working across various departments to gain an insight into the wide-ranging roles and responsibilities within a housebuilding company.
Poppy said: “Coming into the industry with no knowledge or experience was quite daunting, but I was quickly made to feel welcome and part of the team.
“I’m thoroughly enjoying the role and am continually fascinated by how much goes on behind the scenes. I’ve particularly enjoyed my time with the site team, which is the area I plan to pursue a career in.”
For one week each month, Poppy studies towards a Level 3 Diploma in Construction and The Built Environment at Stephenson College in Coalville.
Following the completion of her two-year course, Poppy hopes to undertake a Higher National Certificate and Higher National Diploma in the same subject, supported by Davidsons Homes.
Poppy said: “Once I have seven years of training and experience under my belt, I have my sights set on progressing to the role of site manager.
“It’s great to have this direction and clarity now. When I first left school, I tried practical courses in health and social care and hairdressing, but I never felt the same passion for those as I feel now.
“I’d like to progress within Davidsons Homes specifically as the team really believe in me and give me invaluable support.
“Davidsons Homes also give regular shout-outs to apprentices who are working hard and performing well, making us feel like valued members of the team.”
Poppy is also keen to dispel the myth that site work is an exclusively male domain.
She said: “I want to challenge this gender stereotype by proving that a woman can succeed in this kind of role too.”
Poppy has familial ties to the company and construction industry generally, which were a major factor in her decision to embark on her apprenticeship.
“My uncle is a director within the company and both my dad and brother work as self-employed joiners, so I definitely felt drawn to this industry.
“I probably wouldn’t have considered a role in construction if it wasn’t for my family’s passion for it, so I feel lucky to have had this opportunity and hope it is just the beginning of my housebuilding career.”